Instrument Making
For a violin maker, the ultimate experience is to attend a concert where our instruments are being played. Making instruments is the most enjoyable and rewarding part of our profession.
During the making process, we are always focussed on the possibilities of each instrument’s sound and meticulously pay attention to every detail to optimise our timber’s potential.
We source the highest quality timber for each of our instruments, and have managed to acquire a rare selection of stunning maple and spruce that is over 100 years old. If you would like us to make your violin, viola or cello, you are able to choose the timber and view the instrument at any stage of the making process.
We could talk about our making for hours! However we will spare you here as it is best to see our instruments for yourself. Click on the pictures on the side of this page to view some elements of our making and you are always welcome to visit us at The Old Chapel to view our instruments that are currently in progress.
We also maintain contact with players who have bought our instruments and could arrange for you to view those as well.
Please contact us to discuss our instruments that are currently available or about commissioning an instrument.